Building a form in dreamweaver cs6
Building a form in dreamweaver cs6

Now, we're going to go to the Property Inspector and make some more changes to customize the text field for our form. We can change the name that's displayed in Design View by selecting "Text Field" and replacing it with something else. To do this, go to the Insert panel. Click Text. Let's start out by adding a text field to collect someone's name. In Split View, you can now see where the form is inserted. You see the opening tag and the closing tag.Ĭlick within the opening and closing tags. You'll then see a rectangular area outlined in red in the design area. This is your form area. You'll see a red rectangle in your document, as pictured below. From now on, everything you add to the form will appear inside that red rectangle. Do not click outside that rectangle when adding elements to your form. Go to the Insert panel and select Forms from the boldfaced dropdown menu at the top. "Common" shows by default, so just click on the drop down arrow and select Form.Ĭlick on your document in the place where you want to form to start. The best way to learn is by doing, so let's get started. Save the HTML document as "form" in your "Course_Sites" folder.

#Building a form in dreamweaver cs6 how to#

Start out by opening a new HTML document. We're going to teach you how to create a form in this section of the article. Creating a Basic HTML FormĬreating a basic HTML form is not difficult at all using Dreamweaver. Using the example above, you might have the label "Enter Your Shirt Size" for the field that collects shirt sizes. This way, the visitor knows to enter their shirt size in that field. In addition to a field name, every field will also have a label. A label is text that tells the visitors what type of information that you want them to enter. "Shirt Size" would be the field name. "Large" might be the size the customer gives. Let's say that you sell t-shirts and you create an order form. One of the questions you ask might be the size of the shirt the customer wears.

  • Checkbox. These are used for YES and NO questions.Įvery field that you create in a form has a field name. The field name will tell you what information is being collected, such as email address, phone, or street address. The field labels are sent to you along with the information when you receive a completed form from a visitor.
  • Text Area. This is like a text field, but paragraphs of text can be entered.
  • Text Field. A text field is there to collect text, but only a single line of text. These are mainly used to gather names, phone number, email addresses, etc.
  • Form Basicsīefore we delve into how to create a form, it's important that you know the aspects of any form that you can create.īelow are aspects of forms. You'll need to know these, so take the time to study them. In this article, you're going to learn how to create these forms in Dreamweaver so that you can easily add them to any website that you build. The good news is that even the forms that look the most complex aren't necessarily difficult to create. It's probably safe to say that in your time online, you've seen online forms and even filled out your fair share. An online form is a place where you can collect information about your visitors, take polls, orders, or allow visitors to your website to contact you.

    Building a form in dreamweaver cs6